Make a Gift That Helps Us - and You!

Consider a Retained Life Estate to Support [pgm_charshort]


One way you can generously support [pgm_charmed]’s mission is by creating a retained life estate.


Is a Retained Life Estate Right for Me? 

Would you like to give your home or second home to [pgm_charshort] -- and save taxes -- while retaining your right to live there? You can also give all or part of a farm this way.

Many donors have used a retained life estate to help them achieve these goals.

A retained life estate could be right for you if:

  • You want to continue to live in your home
  • You and your family want to continue to use a second home
  • You do not plan to pass on your home or second home to family or other heirs
  • You want to save on income taxes now
  • You want to make a significant gift to [pgm_charshort]